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5 Quick Tips for Sticking to a Budget

When it comes to budgeting, some people are better at it than others, but some people are great at creating a budget, but they simply cannot stick to it. Creating a budget is the easy part; you can make fancy spreadsheets or even purchase software programs. You might be a procrastinator and think you will begin your budget next month, but then next month never comes and you end up spending too much money. There are some quick tips to help you stick to your budget.

1. The first thing you need to do when planning a budget is getting the entire family involved. If you are one of five people in your household, you cannot simply make a budget, stick it on the refrigerator and assume everyone is going to follow it. Instead, get everyone together in planning the budget, what you need and what you do not have to have. Get your children involved because this will help them later in life with their own budgets.

2. Your budget should part of your daily schedule, in other words, it needs to become habit forming so that your budget is always in the back of your mind so that when you pass by that new boutique shop, you do not have to drop $300 at one stop.

3. Do not use your credit cards to pay for daily expenses. For instance, do not put your groceries on your credit card; this should come out of your earnings from your job. Credit cards should be reserved for large purchases and emergencies.

4. It is important to have some kind of reward built into your budget. For instance, two times per month is movie and dinner night, or one night per week you eat at a restaurant. This rewards you and gives you something to look forward to because if you are all about budget and never feel rewarded, it is easy to stray from the budget.

5. Plan to begin your budget when it is going to be easier to stick to. For example, you might not want to begin a brand new budget right before the holiday season, rather, you would want to wait till January 1 and begin fresh. People that begin their budgets right in the middle of a season when spending money is expected are sure to fail and become discouraged.
Final Thoughts

Budgeting is very important because it helps you to live within your means. When you are spending more than you are bringing in, you are spending outside of your means and it will catch up to you eventually. This is why is essential to begin a brand new budget that the entire family has put together and then stick to it, in the end, you are happier because you are not stressed out about bills and credit card debt piling up.


Unknown said...

My paychecks have been getting bigger, so I've been struggling with some budgeting adjustments! I never really thought about reserving my big purchases to be used only on my credit car, I'm glad I know now! I definitely love the idea of having reward days. I love going to the movies with my family, and so I think that maybe we could adopt that into the budget! Thank you for this advice!

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