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Why Have a Budget?

Money comes, money goes - why have a budget at all? A budget is such a handy little tool. Yes, I questioned the first several that didn't work for me. But when finances became scattered, I'd try again. I finally found a budget method that worked for my family. And I couldn't live without it. A budget is like a roadmap. It tells you whether or not you are going in the direction you want to be going. It helps you decide what you need to cut out, what you need to add and what to do with your life.

You have goals and dreams. It may be that you want to own a home. You might want to send your children to college. You may just want to retire well. Or go on vacation. Or pay off all those credit cards. Or be able to afford to pay all the bills each month. If you don't have a budget, you'll never be organized enough to make all of your dreams come true. A budget shows you how to control your money. Your money isn't making your spending decisions -- you are.

The budget will also let you know if you are going overboard. If you see a lot of debt payments in your budget, you could be living beyond your means. If you see that your income is far below that of your expenses, you know you are on the path to disaster. The budget allows you to see that you need to turn around and start over on a new road. Budgeting allows you to save. Saving doesn't take more money, it takes a little thought. You could find $5 dollars a week in your budget to save. In only two years, if you invest wisely, that $5 a week could be thousands.

Your budget allows you to keep your savings goals present in your mind. It is easier to resist temptation when you are constantly reminded of what you are saving for. You can actually have more spending money through a budget. Most people assume budgeting means you won't get to shop freely every again. Not true. You actually have more money because you are spending wisely. Simply set aside money just for your shopping sprees. That way, you feel no guilt. What an idea!

Budgets keep you out of debt, help you out of debt and reinforce why debt isn't a good idea. Once you sit down and write out all those credit card debts, you will see why you need to get rid of them. Go ahead, add up all the amounts. Calculate how long minimum payments will require you to pay.

Budgets aren't slave drivers. They truly are liberators. People who form budgets have money. They invest wisely. They get out of debt faster. They have less stress because everything is planned out. They know that their money is secure. They are in control.

Sit down and start your own budget right now. You'll really thank it someday for all the advantages it gives you. It just takes a little time.


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